Friday, April 3, 2020

How My Tutor Computer Chips Can Help

How My Tutor Computer Chips Can HelpThe availability of my tutor computer chips has made the process of scheduling and taking care of your child's learning much easier. Now you don't have to keep track of who will be available during the school day, or who is going to help your child in their math class. The system has become so popular that it now has an entire section devoted to this in almost every book you will ever see about the subject. If you are having a difficult time making up your mind about whether or not this technology will work for you, then you might want to consider learning about the benefits of using a my tutor computer chip.First of all, you should know that there are many different ways that my tutor computer chips can help you. Some use text-to-speech software to help your child learn the proper spelling and pronunciation of words. Other programs use a built-in dictionary to give them definitions for terms they may come across. As more information is added to th e software, it will be able to give you instant feedback on what your child needs to improve. This is really helpful when you need to revise a lesson, because you will be able to determine how much you need to emphasize certain parts of the lesson, and to determine if you need to speed up the lessons a bit.Another way that my tutor computer chips can help you is by allowing you to check on your child as they are doing their homework. Usually, this would take up a good chunk of time, but with the use of this kind of system, you can check up on your child while they are working. You can see how long it takes them to complete a task, and you can see how fast they learn. This allows you to move on to the next part of the assignment before they're ready.Lastly, my tutor computer chips are completely programmable. Unlike traditional systems, the chip can be updated over the internet to teach your child the latest methods of learning. This means that you can even keep your child up to date on things such as the latest chess techniques or the latest books on business strategy. You can also monitor your child's progress by asking for their opinions on certain subjects, or by just asking them what they learned in the lessons. By monitoring how your child is learning, you can keep yourself on top of the learning curve and ensure that your child continues to learn at an accelerated rate.These are just a few of the ways that my tutor computer chips can help you. With each one of these features comes an additional fee, so you need to weigh the pros and cons of each option before you choose which one will best suit your needs. When you get the chance to take a look at the various options available, you should have a better idea of what you will want from a system like this.The next thing you should know about my tutor computer chips is that they are very convenient for parents. In fact, they are so easy to use that they are a great way to introduce your child to the world of computers without you needing to worry about them trying to sneak through the screens of the computer to access their favorite sites. These programs are designed to easily plug into the computer and not take up any space. In fact, you can sometimes just plug them in and use them without worrying about them being detected by a teacher or a parent.As you can see, my tutor computer chips have many great uses. If you are a parent who has a tough time keeping up with your child's learning, then this might be just the thing you need to make your job a little easier. The system will be able to give you instant feedback on your child's progress, and it can help you keep up with your own learning and progress as well.

Monday, March 23, 2020

How to Shape a Life of Money and Meaning - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Shape a Life of Money and Meaning - Introvert Whisperer How to Shape a Life of Money and Meaning “Money does buy more happiness when spent wisely, especially when directed toward experiences, others, and time.”- Brian Portnoy a behavioral finance expert says this. He points out that wealth influences the satisfaction of one’s life. The value of life can be based on one’s accomplishments, for example, helping others, investing and traveling. Most people give excuses why they cannot start a side business to make more income, but life is all about balance. You can make money while still working on your day job. There are several things you need to consider for you to have a meaningful life. Purpose What do you want to accomplish in life?   Most people want to lead happy lives. Getting money is not about buying luxurious items but about finding purpose in those things that help you fulfill your dreams. This way you can determine where to place your finances to propel your goal. Business Planning

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Stick to Your 2018 Goals Tips From Introverted Celebrities Whove Done It in the Past - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Stick to Your 2018 Goals Tips From Introverted Celebrities Who’ve Done It in the Past - Introvert Whisperer How to Stick to Your 2018 Goals: Tips From Introverted Celebrities Who’ve Done It in the Past Kayla Matthews January 1, 2018 Career Development, Self-Promotion No responses Go to top Most of us are either extroverts or introverts. Extroverts find their energy from other people and usually crave the company of others, while introverts recharge with alone time and often become overwhelmed by overstimulation. There is no right or wrong personality, but a fair amount of misunderstanding exists in today’s society when it comes to extroverts versus introverts. Since grade school, teachers have coached children to come out of their shell and interact more with others, as if reading a book by yourself instead of playing on the playground indicates social anxiety. We’ve grown up with the belief that we are supposed to be as social as we can be to fit in and be accepted. However, some of the most successful people in history were or are introverts. Read on for ten tips from introverted celebrities. 1.  Bill Gates “Well, I think introverts can do quite well. If youre clever you can learn to get the benefits of being an introvert, which might be, say, being willing to go off for a few days and think about a tough problem, read everything you can, push yourself very hard to think out on the edge of that area.” Bill Gates The Microsoft founder and philanthropist wants you to know introverts can be very successful in life. He’s living proof. There are benefits to being an introvert that extroverts don’t often have. Use your ability to retain knowledge, analyze a problem and come up with solutions. Being able to think on your own is a gift. 2. Emma Watson   “I’m kind of an introverted kind of person just by nature, it’s not like a conscious choice that I’m making necessarily. It’s genuinely who I am …coming to realize that about myself was very empowering.” Emma Watson The actress and activist has always fought to find her own identity, especially after her “Harry Potter” days came to an end. Her declaration of how genuine she is empowers others around the world â€" you can do the same. Continue to be yourself and empower people. Have your own mission. 3. Steven Spielberg “I never felt comfortable with myself, because I was never part of the majority. I always felt awkward and shy and on the outside of the momentum of my friends’ lives.” Steven Spielberg One of the most famous directors of our time openly admits he would rather watch back-to-back movies on the weekends than go out. Like many other introverts, Spielberg relates to not quite fitting in with his friends or the majority, which allows room for personal growth and creativity. Express yourself in your own way. 4. Eleanor Roosevelt   “Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.”Eleanor Roosevelt While the former First Lady is often remembered for her shyness, she eventually came out of her shell and had strong opinions about life. She’s even been referred to as the introvert who wouldn’t keep quiet. Her words still ring true in today’s world â€" love yourself above all else, before you can love others. 5.  Albert Einstein   “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.” Albert Einstein Einstein believed that solitude and time alone is really sacred â€" that this time should not be looked at as being all alone because it’s a strength. Don’t be afraid to be alone with your own thoughts and self-reflect on your life and its path. Is there something you want to do differently? Do it. 6. Mahatma Gandhi   “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”Mahatma Gandhi You don’t have to be loud and outspoken to prove a point or be heard. In fact, introverts have subtle and effective ways of sharing their thoughts and ideas. Bring positive change to the world with simple things like kindness towards others. 7. Andy Warhol   “People are always so boring when they band together. You have to be alone to develop all the idiosyncrasies that make a person interesting.” Andy Warhol You’ve heard the saying that you should always be a leader, not a follower. Time alone will teach you about yourself and help you to form your own opinions and ideas. Don’t feel pressure to conform to those around you. Stand out. 8. Stephen Hawking   “Quiet people have the loudest minds.” Stephen Hawking Introverts are often quiet because they are thinking â€" always stuck in their minds about something. Hawking wasn’t concerned with being the life of the party. He was more entertained inside of his own mind, a mind that was always running, like a machine. Take care of your machine and nurture it. With it, you can do anything. 9. Selena Gomez   “I’m not trying to get validation, nor do I need it anymore If youre broken, you do not have to stay broken.” Selena Gomez You do not owe anyone anything. What’s most important in life is that you find your happiness and stay true to yourself. None of us are perfect even if we pretend to be. So admit your faults and work on them. Validation from others will not feed your soul. 10. Steve Wozniak   “Im going to give you some advice that might be hard to take. That advice is: Work alone. Not on a committee. Not on a team.” Steve Wozniak Most of us grew up with our teachers putting us in small groups to work, which many of us loved because it took off the pressure of thinking on your own. You can’t learn to think and act on your own if you are being influenced by everyone else. There are many careers perfect for introverts where you can work alone while growing your interests and thinking creatively. Do things alone, and watch your imagination bloom. Although extroversion is viewed as the ideal in today’s world, introversion has become more accepted and understood. It’s these quiet thinkers who discover groundbreaking technology and create our greatest works of literature and music. These introverts are our influential leaders, our inspiration and our future. Make your mark in the world in 2018.   Photo by: Tessa Rampersad Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Thursday, March 5, 2020

10 Shocking Benefits of Listening to Classical Music [Infographic]

10 Shocking Benefits of Listening to Classical Music [Infographic] Sign up successful I guess those old guys were really onto something, huh. Below are some surprising benefits of listening to classical music backed by actual science. Share this Image On Your Site pstrongPlease include attribution to TakeLessons with this graphic./strong/pbr /br /br /br / pa href= src= alt=10 Surprising Benefits of Listening to Classical Music width=540px border=0 //a/pbr /br /br /br / p 10 Benefits of Listening to Classical Music 1. Decreases blood pressure Want to keep your heart healthy? According to an Oxford University study, listening to classical music can help reduce one’s blood pressure. In the study, researchers played participants different styles of music, including rap, pop, techno, and classical. Classical music was effective at lowering participant’s blood pressure, while rap, pop, and techno actually raised blood pressure. 2. Boosts memory Did you know that listening to Mozart can actually help improve your memory? According to a study, people who listened to Mozart’s music showed an increase in brain wave activity that’s linked directly to memory. So next time you have to memorize a big speech or presentation, put on some Mozart while you practice. 3. Sparks creativity To get your creative juices flowing, listen to some classical music. While listening to classical music won’t instantly make you creative, it will help put into a more creative mindset. Next time you need to brainstorm, try listening to some Mozart or Bach to get your mind thinking outside the box. 4. Reduces stress levels If you’re feeling particularly stressed, listen to some classical tunes. A study found that pregnant women who listened to classical music were less likely to feel stressed throughout their pregnancy. Scientists claim that classical music’s tempo is similar to the human heart, which eases both anxiety and depression. 5. Supercharges brainpower Do you have a big test or project coming up? Boost your brainpower by listening to some classical music. In a study, French researchers found that students who listened to a lecture in which classical music was played in the background scored better on a test compared to other students. 6. Fights depression When you’re feeling down in the dumps, ditch the donuts and opt for some classical music instead. Several studies have proven that classical music helps relieve depression and melancholy. In fact, a study from Mexico discovered that listening to classical music can help ease symptoms of depression. 7. Puts you to sleep Do you toss and turn for hours before finally falling asleep? Rather than squeeze in another episode of Games of Thrones or New Girl, listen to classical music. According to a study of people with sleep issues, listening to classical music for just 45 minutes prior to bed can help improve sleep quality. 8. Relieves pain Instead of reaching for another Tylenol, you might want to consider playing a Bach or Beethoven playlist. Multiple studies have shown that listening to classical music can help relieve pain. According to researchers in London, patients listening to classical music used significantly less pain medication. 9. Makes you happy Want to get out of that bad mood you’re in? Listening to classical music can help increase dopamine secretion, which activates the brain’s reward and pleasure center. In fact, a 2013 study found that music can help put people in a better mood. 10. Improves productivity It’s a Monday morning and you can’t seem to get it together. To help boost productivity, listen to some classical music. A series of studies have proven that music makes repetitive tasks more enjoyable. A study performed by researchers at the University of Maryland  found that Baroque classical music in the reading room can help improve radiologists’ efficiency and accuracy. Give it a Try! While classical music can’t raise your IQ 10 points, there are a ton of benefits of listening to classical music. Not sure where to start? Our friends at Merriam Music put together a great beginners guide here. Whether you need to cram for an important presentation or you simply want a good night’s sleep, classical music can help. But  Don’t just take our word for it. Try it out for yourself and let us know what benefits of listening to classical music you experience! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

4 Valentines Day Literacy Activities for Younger Students

4 Valentine's Day Literacy Activities for Younger Students Holidays are typically accompanied by class parties, school assemblies, and other celebratory events. Valentines Day this year is a great opportunity to incorporate educational activities into your elementary or middle school students holiday plans. Engaging Valentines Day literacy activities for younger students can include writing a personalized letter, composing a poem, or creating a word search. With Valentines Day just around the corner, students can practice literacy skills while joining in on the holiday spirit. Here are four Valentines Day literacy activities for younger students: 1. Write a personalized letter Have your child choose someone to write a letter toa family member, for instance, or a friend, a teacher, or anyone they look up to. They could even write a letter to a fictional character or celebrity. Your child may already have ideas of how theyd like to express their appreciation for this person, but prompts you could also suggest include: What qualities do they admire about the individual? What activities do they enjoy doing together (if applicable)? What are they thankful for about the person? The letter could be a simple Im thankful for you, I love you, or Im glad youre my friend. Writing a letter is a great way to practice the conventions of letter-writing, including a greeting and closing, as well as indenting and dating the letter. As an added bonus, have your child address an envelope to the recipient. [RELATED: 3 Eco-Friendly Winter Crafts for Kids] 2. Write a heartfelt poem Poems have a long and storied history of expressing love and appreciation and are perfect for Valentines Day. There are excellent K-8 poems that can be found onlinethese would be great to read together for fun and as a model for their own poem. Besides rhyming poemsperhaps the most well-known of poemsdiscuss other types of poems your child may or may not be familiar with, including: Acrostic poems, where the first letter of each line spells out a word. A concrete poem, in which the poem takes on the shape of an object. In this instance, the words could be arranged in a heart shape, for example. Haikus, a shorter option that helps children practice syllable recognition. 3. Make your own Mad Lib Mad Libs are silly, fun, and often a hit with elementary and middle school students. Try making a Mad Lib with your child by writing a story together, then choosing some words to replace with blanks. This is a great way to practice parts of speech, if your child is at that level. Just like a published Mad Lib, add instructions to the blank, specifying whether a noun, verb, or other part of speech is needed. You could also get more specific by labeling each blank with categories like animal, sound, or car. This is a great family activity where the Mad Lib can be used more than once. [RELATED: 3 STEAM Activities to Try in the New Year] 4. Do or create a word search or crossword puzzle Word searches and crossword puzzles are excellent ways to practice reading and critical thinking skills. Depending on your childs skill level, they can do a word search or crossword puzzle, or they can make one of their own. Have your child come up with a list of Valentines Day-themed words, write them in the shape of a box, and fill in the remaining spaces with random letters. Crossword puzzles are great for more advanced students. Again, have your child come up with a list of words, place them in a crossword shape, and come up with a list of numbered definitions or hints that correspond to the words. [RELATED: 3 Winter Art Crafts for Kids] Whether or not your childs classroom celebrates Valentines Day, the four activities above are fun ways to engage with language. These could be a special personalized gift for a family member, or they could even be made in multiples to give out to a class. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

What Introverts Can Learn from Extroverts to Rise up the Corporate Ladder - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / What Introverts Can Learn from Extroverts to Rise up the Corporate Ladder - Introvert Whisperer What Introverts Can Learn from Extroverts to Rise up the Corporate Ladder According to a study by the Sutton Trust, individuals with extrovert-like traits are 25% more likely to get high paying jobs than those lacking those traits. In addition, the data stipulates that extroverts are more preferred for leadership positions in an organization. Introversion, on the other hand, is commonly seen as a barrier to growth in corporate leadership. But don’t be demotivated! None of these studies implies that introverts don’t have what it takes to be an effective leader. In fact, a number of successful leaders are actually introverts, believe it or not. Introverts often have skills and talents that extroverts might miss out on, such as independence, introspection, creativity, and critical thinking. Being an introvert doesn’t mean you lack the potential or passion but since extroverts take the cake all too often, there is definitely something they are doing right. And while we as introverts may look down on most introverts for their desire for attention and social interaction, it is okay to learn from them. Let’s take a look at what they are doing right before we move on to what we can learn from them. Why Do Extroverts Rise Up the Corporate Ladder Faster (And More Easily) than Introverts Climbing the corporate ladder requires more than hard skills and hard work. It requires charisma and charm. While we know introverts can also be charismatic, extroverts tend to showcase their charms a little ore more often. They are generally known for being great with people, which is an essential prerequisite for a leader. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that extroverts have the propensity to get noticed, and hence promoted. They enjoy the limelight, and their personality traits in essence become the highlight. They take initiative and therefore appear more proactive. They seek praise and attention and will go the extra mile for it. On the flipside, introverts shy away from attention. Their personality traits are often overshadowed by their shyness. This lack of showmanship and warmth can lead to others thinking an introvert might not make a good people manager. Despite an amazing performance report, their potential remains more of a mystery. So, if you think extroverts are preferred for promotions because they are popular, you are probably correct. That doesn’t mean you need a total flip of personality to get that promotion you deserve. You just need to trade a few traits with extroverts. What Can Introverts Learn From Extroverts to Also Rise Up the Corporate Ladder Conscious efforts. You can’t just wake up one morning and decide to be an extrovert. It would be best if you had a game plan to beat your extrovert counterparts at their own game and become the corporate champ. Here is how you can do it. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone Comfort zone is a great place â€" if you plan to rest. If you want to move ahead, you need to step out of it. You may not like the limelight, but you need to put yourself out there. If you think you can do something, raise your hand. If you think something needs to be done, initiate it. Don’t avoid a meeting with your supervisor, request one. Don’t dread the feedback; ask for it. Don’t just smile and nod, say hi and ask about their day. That brings us to the next point. Try to Make Friends You may not like to be a part of the copy room conversations or participating in the water cooler chitchat, but it is a great way to know people â€" or let them know you. Building relationships is seen as a crucial leadership quality as people are likely to follow leaders they personally connect with. Don’t excuse yourself out of social situations. Don’t avoid conversations, initiate them. At the end off the day, it’s all about business collaboration. If you aren’t comfortable talking to everyone, look for other introverts who might be struggling with the same problem. Building friendships within your work team is an important part of getting ahead, but just as important is befriending people in other departments. If you are trying to get ahead at work with an ambitious project, chances are you will need the support of other teams. Having friendly coworker can be the difference between your request for a favor getting ignored or completed right away. Ask for Help A study from the University of Missouri suggests that extroverts are successful because they have mentors. They have mentors because they seek help when needed. They tend to bond with their superiors by simply asking for help. It might seem intimidating, or inappropriate, to ask someone you don’t know well for advice, but it is very flattering to be asked for advice and many people will take it as a sign of respect. In most cases, those superiors are the people in charge of growth-related decisions. So, don’t be afraid to admit you can’t do something on your own, even if that’s to your boss. Ask for their guidance and help. Fake it Fake it till you make it. It is possible, and it is extremely helpful. Even extroverts do it all the time. Many aren’t as confident as they seem. While they manage to appear confident at all times, they are rarely arrogant. They are more approachable because they are easy to talk to. An introvert’s silence is often seen as arrogance. When you take yourself too seriously, people get too uncomfortable around you. Act more relaxed around people even if you don’t feel that way. Be a Team Player One of the biggest secrets behind extroverts’ success is their ability to think and act as a team. They are better at collaboration, and it can improve the overall productivity. It is why the corporate world favors this mentality. So, think of yourself as part of something bigger. Focus on your input and achievements as a team member and not just as an individual. Conclusion There is no one superior in the extrovert-introvert equation. Both have their fair share of positive traits and weaknesses. It is safe to say that introverts can learn a few things from extroverts, and vice versa. Rising up requires relationships and connections, as does finding better jobs. So, not only is it possible to adopt extrovert-based beliefs, it’s super crucial for your corporate success. Bio: Alex Sal is a business journalist and the founder of, a useful resource for entrepreneurs looking for insights on business hacks. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

English Grammar When to use the Present Continuous Tense

English Grammar When to use the Present Continuous Tense The following sets out the use of the Present Continuous format of verbs. There are examples given in each situation. How to Form the Present Continuous Tense The Present Continuous tense is formed with the present  tense  of the verb to be and the present participle of the verb (verb + -ing). Verbs are not normally used in the Present Continuous Some verbs are not normally used in the Present Continuous form. We usually use the following verbs in simple tenses only:knowunderstandforgetpreferwantrememberlikehateneedPresent Continuous relates to something that is usually happening at the time we are speaking.For example:Michael goes to work every day in his car. Today he is driving to work in his car. Michael is in his car now so we can use the Present Continuous to describe the act.Michael is driving  to work in his car (the verb: to drive, the present continuous: is driving). There are several other situations when it is appropriate to use the Present Continuous. These are as follows:1. When you are doing something not necessarily now at the time we are talking but close to that time.e.g. Michael and his friend Mary are talking over lunch. Michael says “I am reading (to read) a really good book now. I will tell you about it when I finish”.This does not mean he is reading it whilst talking to Mary but is reading it around that time and continues to do so.2. When something is being done around a period of time close to the present.e.g. Michael is working (to work) hard today. Or Michael is not skiing (to ski) this winter because he injured his knee.3. Finally we use Present Continuous when we talk specifically about situations that are changing.e.g. The weather is improving (to improve) quickly. or The temperature is falling (to fall) fast. or The winter snow is melting (to melt) now. Signal Words used with the Present Continuous nowat the momentListen!Look!tonightin the morning/in the afternoon/in the eveningthis week/this month/this yeartodayrightnowthese days List of State Verbs in English Check your understanding by doing this short exercise. You can write your answers below.Exercise:Try this exercise. You need to put the verb in brackets into the correct format using Present Continuous.Please be quiet. I ____________(try) to concentrate.Look! It ________________ (snow).Why _________________ (you/look) at me like that? Did I say something wrong?You ____________(make) a lot of noise. Can you be a little bit quieter?Excuse me, I ___________________ (look) for a phone booth. Is there one near here? When to Use the Present Continuous Tense - Video Lesson This video English lesson explains when to use the Present Continuous Tense in English. The Present Continuous Tense is also called the Present Progressive Tense. The Present Continuous Tense can be used in a number of ways.